Thursday, May 1, 2025
Crowne Plaza, Plymouth, Minnesota
9:00 - 3:30 pm.
Eleven suppliers are invited to exhibit at this show from the suggestions of our distributor membership.
Please welcome the 2025 Room Show Exhibitors:
North Mallow *
Charles River Apparel * & StickerYou *
Landway * & Sonic Patch and Pin
IDLine *
Maple Ridge Farms
WOWLine *
Pentel & Discount Marketing Products *
Alexander and Honest Abe * (Honest Abe)
Storm Creek
Starline USA
HPG - Evans & Mixie
* New to UMAPP or new to the Room Show in the past eight years
How does this show work?
A unique event that is one of the original room show styles often copied by other groups. Distributors rotate together from meeting room to meeting room for 25-minute exhibitor presentations throughout the day.
7:45 Check in for registration packages begins
7:45- 8:45 Hot buffet breakfast
9:00- 12:30 Exhibitor Presentations (with a short morning break)
12:30 - 1:30 Buffet lunch in ballroom plus awards announcements and celebration
1:30 - 3:30 Exhibitor Presentations (with a short afternoon break)
3:30 Reception and door prize drawings with cash bar
Distributors are placed into groups of 10-18 people. During the registration process, requests can be made to keep people together or separate.
Cost: $30 for UMAPP members | $45 for nonmembers
Includes 11 exhibitor presentations, hot buffet breakfast, morning snacks, coffee all day, water refill stations, hot buffet lunch, and plenty of samples, stories, connections, and ideas for new business.
FAQs for distributors 2025.pdf
UMAPP member distributors must sign into their website account to begin a registration. If an account is needed, return to the home page and click "create an account." This is for staff of current UMAPP member companies only and each account must be approved by UMAPP admin before one can sign in.