A regional promotional professionals association

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UMAPP is delighted to offer options for our members for various services. The companies below have paid to have their information on our website. UMAPP does not specifically endorse each company; rather the Association is providing options for members who may be in search of these resources. 

Propelr – Smarter Payment Processing for Your Business

Propelr offers seamless, secure, and cost-effective payment processing solutions tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. With industry-low rates, acceptance of all major payment types (credit, debit, ACH, and contactless), and 24/7 dedicated support, Propelr helps businesses streamline transactions and maximize savings.

Ready to see how much you could save?
Click HERE for a free statement analysis.

Contact: Marcia Klebel

Email: mklebel@propelrpay.com

The SOUL/Life Breath Club is a community of professionals dedicated to improve their mental health and that of their workplace culture. In the club, you'll learn breathwork exercises to relieve stress and anxiety to empower you to thrive in the fast-paced (and often overwhelming) world of business.  

Breathwork for Business UMAPP Members: $45/month 

EMAIL Sam to sign up with UMAPP member pricing.

We’ve built an ecosystem designed to optimize your future and humanize finance one person at a time. Your situation and life goals are unique; we have the experience and ability to help you reach those goals. Our experienced financial professionals have worked with people from all walks of life; from executives members to clergy members, business owners to first time employees, and pre-to-post retirees. For more information about our firm and the services we offer, contact us. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you. 

Phone #: 952-769-2140
Email: McconachieTeam@financialguide.com
2 Carlson Parkway North, Suite 320 
Plymouth, MN 55447 

Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP) is a 501(c)(6) trade association incorporated in 1980
9292 Dartford Rd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 
651-734-9767 | admin@umapp.org | UMAPP.org

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