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  • Brand Connection Expo 2025 Exhibitor Registration

Brand Connection Expo 2025 Exhibitor Registration

  • 08/12/2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Inwood Oaks Event Center, Oakdale, Minnesota


  • $566 is the cost of the first table & includes credit card processing fee. If paying via check, the total is $550 for the first table and $500 for each additional. Add additional tables on the next page.
  • MLRs do not need to be members of UMAPP to exhibit at this show. ALL lines exhibited DO need to be members. List the lines you plan to exhibit and then ensure they are current members of UMAPP.
  • $746 is the cost with the credit card processing fee. If paying via check, please subtract $21 for a total of $725.


Note: This registration page is for suppliers wishing to register to exhibit at the Brand Connection Expo on August 12, 2025.


UMAPP's Brand Connection Expo end buyer tabletop show is an opportunity to connect with both distributor sales reps and their customers. 


August 11
Afternoon/evening set up (time to be determined by venue) 

August 12
Exhibit Hours: 10 - 2 

Keynote speaker:   
8:30 - 9:45 Free to everyone (topic and speaker to be determined) 

Show Details: 

  • $550 for the first table | $500 for each additional 

  • Nonmember fee:  $725 for first table, $675 for each additional

  • Up to two free lunch tickets per exhibitor for show staff. One show staff = one lunch ticket

  • This is a tabletop show. Tables are 8' x 2' and are undraped.  Note on the registration form if you will require a drape

  • Exhibitors will receive the attendee and registration list following the show

  • Cancellation policy: full refund if cancel 30 days prior (by July 12); forfeit show fee paid if cancellation occurs after July 12

  • Reminder: this is an end buyer show.  Color coded badges will distinguish distributors and end buyers

  • Exhibitors are not responsible for relaying end buyer interests in products to distributor sales reps. We expect the distributors to manage their customers

  • Please consider being a show sponsor and/or providing donations to our registration table (notebooks, pens, hand sanitizer and show bags) 

NOTE: You have a choice where your table is located. Please view the floor plan and list on the registration form your top three choices. We will accommodate requests if possible.  

Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn, Oakdale, MN 

This hotel is located adjacent to the show venue of Inwood Oaks, and across the parking lot from the golf tournament at Oak Marsh Golf Course. 

Please CLICK HERE for the hotel's website to book a room.  UMAPP does not have a block reserved. 

Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP) is a 501(c)(6) trade association incorporated in 1980
9292 Dartford Rd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 
651-734-9767 | admin@umapp.org | UMAPP.org

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