9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Crowne Plaza, Plymouth, Minnesota
For the suppliers listed below, please complete the Acceptance to the 2025 Room Show Form.
The show fee is $1,350 payable by April 1. The fee includes a meeting room which holds up to 20 attendees, buffet breakfast, snacks, buffet lunch and awards celebration for UMAPP's yearly award winners, and an opportunity to meet with 120-130 distributors from over 50 different companies. This equates out to approximately $10.80 per person!
Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP) is a 501(c)(6) trade association incorporated in 19809292 Dartford Rd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 651-734-9767 | admin@umapp.org | UMAPP.org
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